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Metals & Mining Companies in ChinaNews

Metals & Mining  | Iron & Steel  

Advanced Technology & Materials Co., Ltd.
Advanced Technology & Materials Co., Ltd. develops, manufactures, and markets advanced materials and related products. 
Aluminum Corporation of China Limited -Chalco
Aluminum Corporation of China Limited, is a multinational aluminium company headquartered in Beijing, China.
Beijing General Research Institute of Mining & Metallurgy
They are engaged in mining, metallurgy and engineering technology.
Brockman Mining Limited
Mining operations in the PRC segment is engaged in the exploitation, processing and sales of copper ore concentrates in China.
Changshu Changhong Precious Metals Co., Ltd.
Changshu Changhong Precious Metals is a speciality precious metals company focused on precious metals, alloys and speciality chemicals.
China Minmetals Corporation
China Minmetals is a metals and mineral trading company. They are a state owned enterprise engaged in copper, aluminum, tin, lead, zinc, nickel...
China National Gold Group Corporation
China Gold has been active in developing gold resources home and abroad.
China Natural Resources, Inc.
China Natural Resources Inc., through its subsidiaries is engaged in the acquisition and exploitation of mining rights.
Chongqing Huahao Smelting Co., Ltd.
Huahao Smelting deals in non ferrous metal powder and copper wires.
EPI Holdings Limited
EPI is an investment holding company. The Company is primarily engaged in sourcing and trading of non ferrous metals.  
Henan Liming Road & Bridge Heavy Industry Co., Ltd.
Henan Liming Road & Bridge undertakes research and development of aluminum and magnesium, and relevant new processes.
Jiangxi Copper Company
Jiangxi Copper is engaged in China's non ferrous metals industry. They cover copper mining, milling, smelting and processing operations.
Jinchuan Group Limited
Jinchuan Group is a non ferrous metallurgical and chemical engineering enterprise engaged in mining, metallurgy and chemical engineering.
Nanchuan Minerals Group
Nanchuan Minerals Group is one of China's leading mining, manufacturing and processing groups and export trading corporations.
North Asia Resources Holdings Limited
North Asia Resources is engaged in the distribution of information technology, mining operation, trading of iron and alluvial gold and coal trading and logistics. 
Xingfa Aluminium Holdings Limited
Xingfa Aluminium Holdings is an aluminum profiles manufacturer in China and engages in the manufacture and sale of aluminum profiles.
Yanzhou Coal Mining Company Limited
Yanzhou Coal Mining is principally engaged in coal mining, washing, processing, distribution and coal railway transportation.
Yunnan Tin Co., Ltd.
Yunnan Tin is principally engaged in the exploration, mining, dressing, smelting, refining and processing of tin and other non ferrous metals.
Zijin Mining Group Company Limited
Zijin Mining is a mining conglomerate in China primarily engaged in gold production, exploration, mining, and sale of gold and other non-ferrous metals.